Thursday, April 22, 2010

Axis of Powers Start to Form

Well, as always in history. Lobbyists donate money to politicians, pushing them towards election who in turn favor the lobbyists when they get elected. Interestingly, Obama seemed to be starting to divide, even amongst lobbyists who contributed to him, with the recent reforms and such.

Naturally, with the financial downturn costing global citizens trillions, myself no less than ten grand, all profits going into major industries like healthcare and finance, most of all towards the 'fat cats' of Wall Street no less, one should not be surprised that Obama needed some more extreme measures to get things done, and perhaps save his re-election.

But what struck me most is that this is now happening closer to home. Perhaps I keep forgetting the fact that "Underlying problems only surface during bad times". It's probably not as bad as it looked but I do smell something suspicious...

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