Saturday, February 06, 2010

What is Feminism?

Actually, what you see in the entire post has nothing to do with the Feminist Movement at all. It is merely a post about whatever I saw on Youtube about posters writing their stance on feminism and throwing mud at each other.

It all started when I was watching this dude called "The Amazing Atheist", which shall be referred as TAA for simplicity, slamming Pat Robertson, who I fully agree should be in jail if not worse. Actually, I have a line which I shall now use upon Robertson. "Wait, did Robertson come from the Dark Ages when everyone opposite his belief is called a heretic?" OK, that was from the line I heard in "The Librarian". Remember the line "A thousand years ago, a girl named Pandora opened this box, and that led to very bad things...An era we called The Dark Ages".

Anyway, TAA next hit out at a badly made video belittling him. Well, the funny part is, I do not think TAA attacked any other feminist, which I think is important. His anger has nothing to do with feminism. Like all movements or ideological beliefs, rotten apples are lumped together with the good ones when it gets too big, and I think he understands that from what I see of his video.

Biological roles has nothing to do with knowing to treat a human properly. In fact, from what I read, TAA was personally abused by supporters (male/female/whatever) of the woman in question. TAA might sound kind of angry, un-civil, but that's his thing, nothing to do with truth. If one argues in a video about something and you need to reply to tell him he is wrong, one should do so with grace. OK, maybe not so graceful, but at least with good points to counteract. Not like "He is a ******* *****, Waste of time, Blah Blah Blah". What gives a human the right to denounce another's right to life? Freedom of speech is TAA's life from what I can see, so saying that he should have no such freedom, isn't it trying to kill him? So, his detractors did not give any real good points as defense either.

If he's not civil, and one promotes the right thing using whatever ruler of faith and spirituality he/she/whatever uses, especially one who hold's the freedom to life as a truth, should it be correct to either (1) ignore his uncivility and counter with valid points or (2) state your points and leave in peace. It sounds ironically funny that TAA always peace out and not his detractors. Anyway, I'm the middle of the road, a road I feel is the peaceful way to life happily. Get angry, get over your anger, get your relationships and friendships where they need to and be happy spending the next x minutes/hours/days/whatever time being who you are.

I love women.
I love smart women. I agree they should protect their rights. What I expect of my future partner follows that line of thought where she must be smart, capable and stand up for herself. Compromises to live together is important, but we would have to agree that our lives are as much shared with each other as they are independent. Till death do us part. That is the only promise I can make to any woman who loves me. I do, however, detest cowards who hide behind others' back and backstabbing friends and foes alike. There are many who does that and it has nothing to do with whatever movement, philosophy they follow.

Anyway, that's it for TAA's endevoours. It's his story. This blog is about my story.

One thing I do realize over the past weeks is the strength of my words. Not that they will blow people apart, but how people view my stance. I'm usually accepting, a bit stubborn at first because I want to think through everything, But the way I portray myself lead people to think I'm ultra stubborn who wants things done only my way. Well, I point out correctly that people judge me too quickly, not the other way round. I'm lazy, but I know better than a decade or two ago to jump into conclusions. Even if I do assume wrongly, I am often willing to back out from my previous stance.

Like one fellow said to me twelve years ago, I'm too soft actually, so I've been trying to learn the spiritual way of TaiJi/TaiChi, hopefully to find the truly round way of doing things, keeping the things important to me in my center while not hurting others. My teams are still hurt, losing to a ten men team from Merseyside and another scrapping the bottom of the Eastern Conference of NBA. Quite ridiculous I would say but well, what goes around comes around. If you do a good job and continue to improve, you can only get good results one day.

Well, back to cleaning up my work to finally, finally go on holiday.

btw, on an artsy side, I think this Youtube video is pretty good. I will only favorite and share things I rate 5 stars and this is the only one so far. My previous rating philosophy is too haphazard to standardize.

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