Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Well, populist justice and demands are served today when this news came out about AIG freezing the executive payout, but does it really matter now? The world economy is in ruins, the rich hang on to their money while the middle class still have to try to ride the market, either in having a job or having a stock. Now, tell me which is fair. Politicians crucifying the first sheep they can catch for populism or prosecute only the right people.

The thing was this, the problem did not start with him. Yes, he's the leading man in the collapsed company, barring my tax money, along with many other people's, that saved them. He's going to get his fat paycheck if we do not stop it. But haven't the real culprits already gone from the face of the "public" earth now? And those who had not left are so rich and powerful that no one can get a penny off them.

Rather than doing that and confusing the world more, put in structuring stops to prevent that from happening. Like executive option pay being only exercisable after a lengthy period of time. Fractional exercise of options, which I think is good. Tie down to profits, which I'm sure is what comes to mind to many people, still these are only a few things I thought of. I'm sure the entire cabinet of Obama or McCain can think of even better ideas, and I'll support them as long as they are not creatively suicidal.

Basically, what I'm saying is this. There are a galaxy of methods to restrain abuse, but it must be understood as a restrain, not another bloody law just for the sake of the law. A law is nothing more than a rule or code of conduct by the state, and hang the rules when social stability and security is threatened. I hate the simple answer of "it's the law". When games end, they can be restarted, but when people die, they don't get a restart.

People should start looking around them at the hurt that was passed around. Everyone is hurt and if one can only think of himself, then the problem will never be solved until everyone is wiped out. I really think we all should just do our part in making this problem go away and not make this someone else's problem. Because, all the politicians are doing now is witchhunting. If politicians pick the easiest solution every time we need them to do something, why do I need them? I rather have someone which I curse for five years only to be grateful he put me through hardship to have a better life than one who can't make better decisions than myself, asleep.

Oh, and about Global Warming...Who left the freezer open?!?

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