Sunday, June 08, 2008

Euro! Euro!

The European Championships started! Finally! Some decent international competition!

Unfortunately, Mike, my boss, is still not convinced that it will provide enough entertainment. Well, at least he's not using the "macho" excuse. America has occurrences of worse excuses.

I actually missed Ryan's birthday. As his roommate, I feel obligated to buy him a drink or something. And I did, of course, after the fact of missing it. I don't feel that bad actually, since most did only slightly better. Mine was an everyday thing. I wish I can charge him extra maintenance fees.

Anyway, this Euro was pretty bad from a refereeing standpoint. Atrocious! So many bad calls! Even if perfection is not the deal breaker, blatant bad calls are still sickening. Of course, I wouldn't mind it happening to Italy, but well, things do go around, so either way, its bad, even on Italy. The Dutch turned out fantastic. I wonder if their stomach can go the stretch. The last they were that fantastic, they fizzled out as suddenly as they starred.

Of course, the stock market is always my downfall. I just seem to eat scraps. I need better ways of income. Unless Buffett manages my money like his, I probably won't even earn a pinch of his total.

Oh, since I'm on this topic, I have a very simple question for CNBC haters. I hate the Kudlow show, as like many viewers, for its insensitive opinions and shouting. But if everyone boycotts his show, ratings go down the drain, would we not be saved from his over opinionated, unfeeling, insensitive and incompassionate assessment of the true economic status. So why bother watching Kudlow and Company? I think that is a waste of CNBC airtime. Fast Money and Mad Money may not be spot on to help people, but it gives a healthy debate which I can watch with a pinch of salt. Jim Cramer's antics is also a bit silly though, but on a scale of 10, I'll put him as 5 for entertainment and 7 for information, so he passes.

Sigh. What a rush. Too many things to write, but too little time to filter the good ones. I'm continuing hard to complete my trial story though. Maybe the pent up ideas I have finally have a place to stay. Hopefully, I'll do better than pass on my "harmonic power generator" idea like ten years ago. Well, I just need one crazy idea to work, but which one will?

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