Friday, June 06, 2008

Peak Oil

Or Oil Geyser. Oil went from 135 to 125 in a week and back to 138 within 3 days, well, I can't remember but you probably hear everyone talking. I lost a bit, based on my micro-small portfolio of mostly cash and little stock. Based on some of the best advice, I even lost money to begin with and got back through a lucky pick.

Well, two, one was SKF which is Proshares Ultrashort Financials which went through the roof, but I was not good enough to capitalize, cause I sold too early! So, I'm upset. Well, not as upset and most I see. Until I strike a billion, I'll keep working to earn money to stay alive. If I strike a billion, I'll probably retire myself to a little island by the equator and fortify it with missiles and build a orphanage and school there.

Anyway, things were not going well recently. Business is bad, economy is bad, people are getting worse. Like what? It's a recession, more politically correct, economic slowdown, except is like hitting reverse rather than the brakes. I would have rather worked through it but people are getting so negative that I think its not a Bear market, it's a grieving market. I'm not a CNBC guy. Well, I watch Cramer for entertainment and some info on things I never heard off. I watch Fast Money, but NEVER more than 1 minute of Kudlow. Info is free, interpretation is proprietary. (Thanks Shravan!)

Why is that? Well, people are just like its going to end and all that. I get that feeling when I lose money, but I know my friends lost more money than I have. And I have my job which I work hard to keep. Well, as hard as my work needs me to be. And with that, even if I worry for my job, I need to work hard and keep myself alive. So? Need a moment? Take a fresh deep breath of air and wait for the next sunrise, run until you drop on the next sunset. I think that will be a nice way to do things. And happy. And fun. And not recessionary. And not inflationary. And peaceful. And considerate. And courteous. And polite. Well, whatever.

Now, I enrolled myself in Discover Card, and I got this deal to sign up for 5% gas back. Now, I think being a miser is wrong, but scrimping or living a modest lifestyle is good. So, goodbye oil. I'll start walking when I find a decent place from my workplace. Oh, and I'm still in America. Not the best way to work, but I'll work things out! I can't trust the government here to provide decent public transport anyway.

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