Friday, February 22, 2008

Movies, Screenwriters and Holes

I was watching Terminator 2 with Ryan, and I am always cynical, spotting plot holes and logic stuff that would have worked out in another way in real life or in the sense of the . And after the show, it got me thinking, why am I like that? I probably don't laugh a lot even if I felt a show is at least a bit funny. I tend to look at things in plain form for artistic beauty. And I tend to think of myself as a mathematical person.

I kind of remembered how the shows I saw in Singapore got me sick. Like the shows that was revolving the same things over and over again, societal issues with the ends of the income spectrum even though it was supposed to be about common people, which is like the people with mid ranged income. The stereotyping, the fanning of common emotions, and the many repetitive idiosyncrasies. I think many directors and screenwriters should and could do a better job. Duh!

Anyway, I was chatting at the offsite I had yesterday about media censorship. Well, it worked well in some cases for Singapore. We definitely don't have McCain's gossip plastered all over our newspapers. Political nonsense if probably something bad for every country. Wisdom and common sense is so uncommon. You win some with a strategy, you lose some with it too.

Anyway, here is an "un" interesting thing about generosity.

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