Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Party Poppers 2...The revenge of the team owners

I always thought it is always nasty to fire someone during a major streak of holidays. Like that period in time during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Or announcing no bonus right before the Chinese New Year period, hypothetically. Either way, I think it is bad, though bonus or raise is not as bad as losing a job! News could be spread earlier on to avoid a downpour of coldness during the supposedly happy occasions. What a downpour for Skiles. He said he's not too upset about it, no matter what, its a downer.

Lon Kruger, Atlanta Hawks, 2002, Boxing Day
Jeff Bzdelik, Denver Nuggets, 2004, after X'Mas
Glen Hanlon,
Washington Capitals, 2007, Thanksgiving Thursday
Steve McClaren,
England, 2007, Thanksgiving Thursday
Lawrie Sanchez, Fulham, 2007, within one week of X'Mas
Scott Skiles, Chicago Bulls, 2007, X'Mas Eve

To be frank, most of them are forthcoming before the news but it probably could have been done better. Like after Christmas? The Christmas schedule is usually a tight one anyway, so getting rid of the coach/manager during such a hectic schedule? OK, let me see. If a team performs bad before the holiday squeeze, you could sack and probably get a good replacement soon, during the schedule...well, maybe, but think of it, how are you going to get a replacement?

In Fulham's case, the team rebuild can't really get into place fast. The manager has to see a few games, get an idea what players to get or rid of, so that's like...mid January? The problem probably started way before December. Remember I said how Sanchez probably could not keep his job even after he impressed me with what he did at Northern Ireland? Yes, that's the time point. If he got the axe like two week earlier from my post, which is like 2 games, probably there is enough time to get something. Whoever comes next is just going to try to survive. Bilic? Forget it. Croatia probably wants him much more than Fulham can afford. Plus with the timing issue, he's not going to take it.

As for Chicago, I'm not too sure of the reason, but its like the first quarter. Usually, one can turn the team around for a playoff, yes, but that would not really go down well since Chicago is not a strong title contender. They probably could have waited till mid season when all the dust has settled. I don't think fans are boycotting the games cause they lost with Skiles on it, so I don't think it is really necessary. But you know, life is very harsh in USA. Things like that happen, especially so in sports. Anyway, will Ben Wallace come back to Pistons?

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