Tuesday, December 25, 2007

X'mas thoughts...

Well, I have been researching ways to increase my income. Well, not exactly fighting for a pay rise although I do expect it more or less. I'm talking about passive incomes. Like investing, finding internet resources and others. I do notice that I am a lot later than most internet inhabitants in terms of finding such income streams, but like a lot that I have seen, most aren't realistic ways of creating income. Anyway, I have started a few projects which I hope will be successful, like the below...
  • Write a book
  • Create an informational website
  • Get good real estate
  • Have a good investment stream
I must admit that most of the ideas I have are not very applicable. Like story, I'm thinking of a fantasy story. Website? Not enough information and traffic. Real estate wise, money is an issue, even if I consider borrowing from my aunt. Then again, I do think I need to try at least. If not, I'll be letting my 2005-2006 really go to waste. It's in the dumps already, its just how rotten I perceive the experience to be. I made a lot of friends, but simply, my dreams effectively got dashed there for no reason.

OK, one last thing. I'm going to write just one more post about Brady before the last Patriots regular season game. I happen to see his interview on 60 minutes, after wasting 40 minutes on 2 other rather irrelevant sections. One is about a pastor making money...which is explained by helping others...well, there is a limit, just don't break the greed limit. One is about genetics linking families...yeah, but with a long history of migration, anything can happen. To be frank, I always believe happiness is the most important, not the knowledge that it is out there.

So back to Mr Brady. He sounds down to earth, decent and definitely overhyped in terms of his personal life. There are tonnes of other people out there doing worse stuff, so just let him do his work on the field. So he said, "There got to be more out there. If not, that will be too easy." Yeah, some people are lucky and get what they want for trying. I didn't. But then again, I felt happy that there is one adventurous guy like that. The limelight he fought for and gained. Anyway, he is the type of guy I believe I will support as a fan or friend, although I am neither actually. But he does get my attention with what he does in the game, and seriously, I really hope the fairy tale tune ends with another ring. Good teams should be rewarded for their hard work. Unfortunately, Colts won't meet them in the Superbowl. They will probably meet, but in the conference finals. What a downer. The final before the final. Anyway, that's done, and next year, maybe I'll watch Tony Romo more. I knew the guy is good, except in New Jersey, I tend to get more guys hating Cowboys than not. Like my roommate.

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