Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Life, New Jersey

Moving on from North Carolina, I've decided to start posting as and when I have an idea of what to post. I actually missed posting on my birthday. It wasn't much of a bummer case. I had an exam that day which happened to be my second lowest grade for my entire Masters program. It sucks when the school doesn't provide funding to "certain" PhD students. Anyway, I skipped my graduation as well. Parents not here, single meaning girlfriend not here, PLUS the irony of having to graduate early without reaching my PhD goal. I wish I can sue someone for my wasted time.

Anyway, I made my plans to move on. Build a career, apply for PhD at prestigious universities that always guarantee funding. Work the disappointment out of my system. I'm not disappointed in what I am able to do so far. Made some mistakes, that's all. I'm very disappointed in the authority that I see in NC. Doesn't make sense to me at all. Maybe I am not used to following to a rule. As I used to say, a lack of compassion is a crime in my world. Mean, sure.
Obstinate, sure. Obstinately mean, definitely not in my league. So since August, I have been putting myself in the job market. Almost got one in Michigan. In fact, I got it, but mulled at it being a 6 month contract with NO GUARANTEE of a permanent position, not even a possibility. Dumb.

So fortunately, or maybe not, depending on whether the other interview which I turned down within the same day I accepted my offer, I found work in New Jersey. In fact, the other interview was in Manhattan, New York, which is the 30 minutes from where I'm typing this post. Sarah spend an afternoon with me, which was nice. Unfortunately, I couldn't spend more time in NC like that.

Work started pretty slow. Need to take over some one's work, which gives me a base to work on. Best part, everything I am looking at now is like a repeat of my previous experience, which give me some familiarity of the scenario in the company. The other part of the company that I'm familiar with is the rather high turnover, which is also OK in my case, since people who seek experience stay for a short while, leaving others who wants a career in it to stay in it longer. That suits my plan.

I'm disappointed that I wasted time with some people who doesn't appreciate me putting my career on hold for my dream and ridiculing it. Hence, the best way to make up for my losses is to restart my career and to make it my university's loss in talent. Well, everyone has a talent, so I always find it unsavoury that someone would prevent anyone from taking the first step towards their dream, even if they are not suitable. Man makes mistakes, and learn from them.

Anyway, right after I left NC, it snowed, and right when I reached New Jersey, a near snow-less cold snap came. I basically brought the sun with me. Still, I did get some snow and got some pictures for it. In fact, I wanted to take pictures from my car while driving through a snow shower, but realized that the effect was not good enough. OK, empty street plus I'm in full control of the car. I got other pictures though.

Speaking of car, I need a new car insurance. Near insane premium rates from Geico got me fuming. I was slapped a $900 premium for half a year from my original $200. Then I got it down to $600 which is still insane. I think I'll switch, but I need to find a good one. Big companies only.

Work wise, I'm a bit lagging behind schedule. Got a bit done, but not a lot. I need to put in more effort. I'm not really used to the "find everything yourself" type of project. I usually need a start up. Well, I don't need to be spoon fed but I need a footing. Fortunately, things made sense to me. Only thing now is to make things work. Well, I need to finish my first report. Its not an official one, but it needs to be formal. An "orientation" project. Fun huh? I hope so. At least its not a "chew and spit numbers" reports. I saw some of the presentations they gave and was amazed at the professionalism. Fantastic start. Like the drive, like the area...what else? Wait...I have lots more on my checklist. Business Analyst. The name sounds pretty good. Let see how far I can go with this. I'll attach my favorite picture in New Jersey so far. Frosted Toyota Tercel. Only by Dennis.