Sunday, September 03, 2006

26th Week 38

3 missing weeks. I'm missing 3 weeks in my life due to a sudden, shocking mishap. Something happened while I'm preparing for my qualifiers, and that took the breath out of my life for 3 weeks and counting. I'm not sure if this is going to take my life one day, but I'm coping with the aftermath. Suddenly, my trip to USA seems doomed for oblivion. A trip that I gave up my life in Singapore for to achieve my dream...Upsetting, but true.

People have said, "They don't care". That is true. I wouldn't say this of many people, but to those that could have mattered to my life, it seems true. I came away from skirmishes with life and came out better, but so far, it seems I'm fighting a losing battle and no one seems willing to fight alongside me. Anyway, not that I'm complaining, but it just seems to me that a bit more compassion towards my situation can save me a lot of worries, but so far, none came.

I was talking to people, and things got better with my inner self. I won the battle in the summer against the qualifier, but possibly lost the war. Hopefully, something can work out soon. I'm pretty unhappy that I have to consider graduation to cut my losses. I think I did better. I made mistakes, but hey, this is education. It is not "Do and Die". I'm here to learn. It's unfortunate that it's the pennies that count at the end of the day.

It would be the beach trip next week. Not a particularly mood lifting occasion for me, but I think I'll go. Homework, finding a job, so many things to do. I have a few friends supporting me, but not much can be done. I'm glad. That is one consolation. I'll continue my fight, till the ball game is over. I'll see who's the winner at the end of the trail. It seems that the trip opened up more than just a part of me. I'm seeing more of myself than I used to know. Let's see if there is something that can make my trip worth its ticket. Let' see if Uncle Dave show's up to save my day. Currently, a benevolent Aunt seems willing to share my woes. I'll try to make this year count, for real.