Sunday, August 06, 2006

26th Week 34

Another less than exciting week gone. No clubbing this week. No pubbing either. No pretty girls either. Erm... There is a few in my office, but none of my concern anyway. I did get to find out why Lucky B was so crowded on that "fateful" night. One year celebration. Hmm, some of the excess adverts in my email box seems pretty useful nowadays. Expect no less from the re-use expert.

This week is the last week of the qualifier summer camp. Everyone seems prepared, except for me. Karen is busy with work, Adish is AWOL from summer camp, so is John. So is Melinda. Well, I guess we have to go for the qualifier "as is". I think I need to ready my final assault weapon and sharpen the multi utility jackknife (parody from Shura no Toki). Wait, I never had a jackknife. It kinds of remind me of the old days at the boy scouts where we have parangs to chop bamboos, and having a little super useful swiss knife. Anyway, I never owned anything more dangerous than a car. Then again, I think that is dangerous enough.

Sarah was talking about going line dancing again. Unfortunately, I'm still trying to figure how to move my legs without trying to do a shimmy. I guess my legs are getting old. Anyway, it seems that Sarah and Kara have been learning dancing. Also, remembering John's comment that he learnt piano for about twelve years, what a diverse and perhaps enjoyable childhood. Of course, I'm assuming they enjoy it. I would have enjoyed some lessons in it when I was young, of course, after football. So this week, I spare myself the blushes by no diving straight into the event. It would be fun watching her cheerful spirit, but I'm not going to be a "lightbulb".

Over the week, I notice something budding in me. It have been in my character of course, but it seems that it started to grow into another phase. Even when I think of things, I am having a bigger "go for it" factor. Of course, time and tide makes a ship sail or sink. The right attitude must fit the right timing. I think I should still keep my head in the event of the exams to come. Of course, I must say that Danielle has a part in it. I never met her again, but another door is open now. Within me, that is. Anyway, that is that, so I should just move on.

Luciano was very busy over the weekend, and ChuiLong moved in over the week. I wasn't able to help him but he was in good hands. I was tired, simply too tired. I did go get a shredder with ChuiLong though. I always wanted one to shred personal information. I didn't expect ChuiLong to need one too. Used my credit card for the first time. I really wonder what it is like. I have the "shiny treasure" feeling when I got hold of it, but well, I don't really like using it in the first place. Ah well, credit is necessary in USA, so be it then.

One more week to D Day, D for Doom, Decision or Dennis? I wonder. I guess I should get some sleep over it before that.