Saturday, May 06, 2006

26th Week 21

First two papers down. In fact, I was jittery for both papers. The first exam was awful. Carl was panting and murmuring so "silently" that the whole class could hear him talk and breathe from the other end of the room. It is so disturbing that I don't think it is fair for anyone to have to take the exam with him. That is not the only annoying thing though. He was asking questions over and over again, and not observing that he was disturbing others. Yan mentioned he's being very nervous, but that does not give him the right to cause a disturbance. It's not about him, it's about everyone. To be frank, I'm not the only one annoyed, though I'm the only one who evidently told him to be quiet, abeit unsuccessfully. To suffer a panic attack is one thing, to be overly inconsiderate is another, and I think I have seem people suffer from panic attacks with much less disturbance. The second exam was pretty arbitrary, as in, no one knows who is right. The only good thing, Carl is not in it.

I tried my best anyway. I think I should be able to get a decent grade for both, and that is the only way to be getting a better chance of having funding through a Teaching Assistantship. I don't think I deserve to spend my tuition fees to be put in such a situation. If life was ever unfair to him, life is even more unfair to the people around him. To add to my annoyance, I must say the first time that I was annoyed with him was the time he screamed vulgarities at his parents over the phone, much to the annoyance of others as well. I, for one, never even though of it. Raising voices in such a scenario is the worst I can think of, but not the things I've seen.

Anyway, I felt ok with the exams, perhaps a chance to get a good grade, even with the odds stacked against me. Every week seems to be more damming for Carl in my opinion, and after this week, it is confirmed. I'll not give in when it comes to school related matters. I didn't pay all my life savings and giving up everything I have in Singapore to be tormented by this.

Back to some more personal things, I bought a car. Imagine a very distracting car hunt on top of your struggle to keep sanity with a near insane class "mate". I bought it despite a possible problem. I researched it and the problem is probably a mistake. I will correct it, but now is the next phase of my plans, getting it registered. And study for my last two exams. I barely had time to look at sports news, although I kept up with the latest of my favourite cartoons. I guess they are the ones that kept me from being bored.

The sad part to the end of the week, my last exam is another exam with Carl. Come to think of it, he has only two exams, of the three course out of seven that is graded. Seven courses is a lot, but to become a nuisance for it is unnecessary, especially when only three are graded and two of them have a final exam format. Ironically for him, I have four exams, for four classes, of which none are supposed to be easy in the first place. Carl was in two of them,
which is a mystery to me why he would suffer from a panic attack for two exams when I can still find time to get my car with two more exams than him to worry about. Ok, this week is a sore week. Mainly because of Carl. And I felt lathergic all week. Being tired understates what I felt.

Detriot finished Milwaukee in five games, one more than Dallas. Obviously, letting in 124 points is a blip, and with Milwaukee back to normal, I suppose winning is a normality. The good things are, Cleveland played more games than Detriot, and LA Lakers are knocked out. Not that I hate Lakers, but I don't fancy Kobe. He is a talented player, but I seriously have tonnes of reservations for his sportsmanship. Raja is unfortunate to miss Game 6. He commited a bad foul, but I'm sure he was not purposeful, since if he was, he should break Kobe's knee, why only a clothesline? What Kobe said has an even more damming effect on his character. Talented, yes, sporting, not a snowball chance in hell. I rather have Lebron over him any day, and let's not mention that Lebron is a rather humble guy. Well, it's like comparing Thierry Henry to Nicholas Anelka, and where is Anelka now?

For soccer, Arsenal is in the Champions League, at te expense of Tottenham, and with a lot of controversy. Food poisoning, and some insensible "graces" of two hours, Spurs definitely deserve better, although I always preferred Arsenal being in Champions League. Martin Jol definitely did a great job, but the team he have is incomplete, especially after three inefficient, at best, managers before him. It is the same as Everton, except that they have more cash to overturn their situation in a short time. Also, they have a bigger fan base, thanks to a rather successful histroy in the mid 80's to early 90's. That shows how hard Moyes' job is, which is why only relegation is the only way I accept the idea of sacking him. Of course, a long time of inability to gain any form of success will be fatal as well, but he has exceeded expectations already. We can only have telltale sign of his capabilities after a few more seasons, definitely not now. Five years to overturn a twenty year deficit is not easy.