Saturday, April 29, 2006

26th Week 20

This is the final week of class. Everyone seems nervous about exam, except me. I'm spending more time looking at cars ads and car numbers than theorems and examples.

I happened to stumble upon two cars. Both are relatively good. First is a Toyota Tercel, not bad in terms of maintenance. The bad, overpriced and still, firmly overpriced. I wonder if he will really get the price he wants. Anyway, I decided to give it a miss since I have a splitting headache. I gave the next one a miss as well. Its a Honda Civic. Its not bad, and with manual transmission, its ok for fast pick-up. The drawback, no power steering. I don't think my left-right syndrome will be helped by that yet, plus late nights. Plus a splitting headache. Ah, never mind, I'll give it a miss for now. No hurry. Not till I get some sleep first.

I tried to do some revision, which is slow, but some form of progress. Dan seems ahead but he looks unstable in his preparations. Not that he is learning something wrong, but he seems to be lacking confidence. I think he should be able to make it. I guess while I'm having problems in January and February, he's not have a much better time. My foundation plus his help got me through, though I must say it would have been better if someone, with near adamantine-quality skin and a bottomless lack of consideration, has tried to learn that since he is taking money for nothing, he should have been more considerate to the many self paying students who values quality learning time. I guess he is making use of the lecturers' nicer side to his advantage, which unfortunately to others' detriment.

Anyway, all of us are tired of his antics. We just want to study, learn and enjoy. Many of my friends don't like to study, even now. I don't love reading books, but learning is fun to me. I guess I prefer research related fun. I'm still considering Dan's proposition of becoming a ABD. I'm pretty confident I can do that and then move into research, but I prefer to wait and see, at least for now.

wise, nothing much. The only plus of the week is a dream final for Champions League. Arsenal-Barcelona...A dream final at least on paper. Star players and fluid football styles. That is enough to set any soccer fan drooling. Anyway, I hope Arsenal win, since Barcelona still have lots of years in their players. Young teams like Arsenal don't perform at such a high level consistently. But like my quality talent spotting skill have served me well, Fabregas is definitely the next player to take note of from Arsenal. Now, to the bad of the week, Pistons got trashed, hammered and slaughtered. However, I'm not worried, since the shooting percentage is abnormal high for the Bucks. That is probably a blip. Not of much concern. Let's continue the march to the title!