Saturday, April 22, 2006

26th Week 19

Heading into the last week of school. Finally. A near "academically fatal" disaster in January and February, and now I'm looking at the last week of school. Nothing much for this week, but one good news. I got my SSN! After two semesters, my life in USA starts to become more like a normal international student. It took me so much trouble to get to this stage and thanks to Dan, Luciano, Yan and Yuefeng, things went better than it would have been.

There is a Spring Picnic this Saturday but Luciano got turned off by the cloudy skies. Well, I might get turned off as well but dude, there babes there! Anyway, my illness made me sleep over the storm that erupted that afternoon, so I just followed Luciano's decision to skip it anyway. Sleep sleep sleep.

This week marks the start of a new season, car hunting season. My life here have been bogged down by the lack of mobility and I probably want a car, a real cheap one. My education in cars have taught me to be really efficient and economic with the car, and I mean real. Thing is, luck isn't there again. No pretty cars, no cheap cars...whatever. I will probably take my time a bit.

Sports wise. Not really attentive this week, since Everton got nothing to play for. As usual, losing gas in the final stretch. Well, it could have been worse...Oh well...sleep sleep sleep