Sunday, April 02, 2006

26th Week 16

Moving on in school seems slow with the piling homework. Fortunately, I seemed to get everything done for this week early. The sad part was, despite my efforts to clear next week's work early, I keep delaying doing things. Well, maybe I should just concentrate on playing soccer on Sautrday. I have a test next week and another the week after. Well...

Sarah sent the email about the "World Cup" so I started forming a team. In the end, I joined the "Brazil" team. Sarah was even there to watch us play. Unfortunately, I missed a overhead kick. Come to think of it, when was the last time I connected with an overhead kick? We lost the matches, but it was fun. The competition level was not really technically high. The opponents just ran around us. Brute force as usual. I sort of played out of position, as a goalkeeper. Only after our matches then I remember what my best position was. Anyway, it was for fun. The lack of stamina and aggressiveness cost us the games. And, to be truthful, we never played together and most of us did not touch the soccer ball for more than half a year, so I guess I was really there for the fun, and flower watching. Where are my stunts when I need them?

The weekend was pretty boring. My roommate told me I have not paid him a month of rent. The problem is that by my schedule, I always pay at the start of the month. I'm going to redo the accounts a bit and see what happens. He didn't really bother me after that for the rent, since I paid the next one, but "missed" out the previous one...Well, I better check again...

I spent the rest of the weekend resting. I can't imagine that my stamina was that bad. Maybe I forgot. Anyway, Everton drew with relegated Sunderland. What a bummer! At least they didn't lose...I focused more on the wrestling shows as I read up a few things about wrestling and its fanbase. The thing about "smarks" really got me interested a bit especially with the Cena match. He won, which is pretty much what I thought, contrary to what I read though. The part I like was that the "psycho" Mickie won. I think her acting was good. In fact, wrestlers are pretty good actors, but I thought her part was good. Fortunately, that part is not a huge segment, so its not highlighted by the smark I read the HHH story. Still, it might turn out true. I'm not a follower, just a passerby audience, so I look for the flashy, and I'm getting bored...ten more games...NBA and EPL...