Sunday, March 19, 2006

26th Week 14

Another week gone. This week there is a test on Linear Models. Much to the after effect of my promising interview, I'm pretty happy for the week till then. My Linear Models test is "ok" when I came out. The bad part is when I noticed a few mistakes. Of course, doing badly for one test is fine with me, but the bad thing is that Carl, the most opinionated, loudest and talkative guy strikes again in his most annoying fashion. Adding salt to injury, he tries to show me what NUS won in academic excellence. Is that an insult? Not satisfied with that, he continues his barrage on the International Dinner night, hounding me to ask me a question I gave an answer to a long time ago. Am I taking "Measure Theory"? The worst part is that he came to my dining table where I'm chatting with my friends just to loudly highlight his view on the importance of Measure, and he picked a Physics major to start his speech with. That made me sick.

For much of the week, the "feel good" feeling remained despite this, of course, even with the usual inconsideration of my apartment mate. I decided to inform him that I prefer a quiet environment to study, and he vigorously defended himself by saying he did what he usually do since he's working, and I could go to the library to study if I need to. Does he have a soul? Go to library in the middle of the night with no means of transport just to let him have fun. Why would I pay the rent for my room so that I can't get proper sleep? That is a blood sucker's comment. That's a very political comment from our smart Alex. I wonder if he used a similar speech for his presentations. I always think that the lack of compassion is a crime, especially when you live in a community, and he seems aspired to be a politician, or be in public policy at least. Obviously, he's the "roommate-bashing" bully in the house, and I guess that a whole lot of intelligence wasted. GPA 4 is only on the paper. Nothing else is garanteed. Now, my neighbours look like angels compared to them.. I vividly remember them telling me my roommate hates them...of course devils hate angels...just a metaphor...I suspected as much before this, except I suppose I didn't expect that he doesn't have a soul. I got the "soul" phrase from the TV shows I watched. Guess I can use English well huh, while many still underestimate my command of English and technology. I'll just act as the bumpkin from some rural area of the world. I like the bumpkin feeling, better than the obnoxious city attitude that I see from my roommate.

Sunday was D-Day in some sense. I decided that I would need to "kill off" some menance in my current life to ensure that I do not waste the effort that my parents put in. Add Carl, Alex and lack of funding into the fray, that's a lot of problems. The thing is, being able to live through it makes me feel that I'm not at their level, and I should not be dragged to their level. I came here to study and do research, and the possible GIT is making my dreams possible. It is within reach now and all I have to do is to go get it. The trigger for my D? When you see your parents working hard and breaking down emotionally because you are not there, you will know what I've been carrying on my shoulder. Its not just having bad grades, nor the disappointment of my dreams decimating right in front of me, nor meeting a few black sheep that ruin the otherwise nice picture I have of the locals here that makes me angry, but to tackle all these with my restricted amout of resources, I definitely feel I am under-rewarded before my interview. Now, my loyalty goes to the company that is willing to hire me and foot my tuition bills and much less for the school. I like the lecturers, but the company is more important to me now. I am very grateful to my friend for getting me the interview, and I'll not name this friend to avoid complications.

Sports wise, Everton continue their winning run. Detroit stumbles again, on Saint Patrick's Day. Win Number 50 came on Sunday, but well, as long as we are ahead of the pack, it doesn't matter. I am convinced that the nemesis of Pistons now are Mavericks and Heat. That is so not Carlito...WWE seems boring to me now, especially with all the "bully the hero gimmick". I guess that's why they need to add sexuality to the fray...I saw an argument against that, but well, that is a valid marketing strategy. Someone need to get dinner to the table, by hook or by crook. That's life, and while I'm hate that, I'm trying very hard to keep my life straight without needing to walk the gray alley.