Sunday, March 12, 2006

26th Week 13

This week is Spring Break. The only problem, I have no plans whatsoever. Of course, what do you expect from a scrimpy student. Well, not that I'm really scrimpy. I really had no plans. Plus homework. Plus some appointments. Plus some interview. Plus some party. Plus some card games.

Well, I actually ended up not doing any homework cause I got so many things to do. My apartment mate is out for the week if not screaming over our school's loss in the NCAA championship. To be frank, I was very annoyed. Glancing at the game for one minute on two separate occasion during the game, and both times in different halves, I know that its a lost cause. Not that I'm not feeling for my school, but when the coach and the players keep making bad decisions nor getting in the groove, losing is a normalty. Some intelligent guy huh! Well, I can forgive him for being much less than sporty, nor athlethic. It takes experience to understand the real game.

That's the complaint of the week. One other thing. I have to admit that I'm pretty happy to get the interview I attended. I'm not sure if the outcome is going to be very favorable, but I'm feeling good. The downside is that someone got to know about it, and that someone is pretty...well. He is ok outside school but to ask me about the interview when I didn't tell him about it means something else. Knowing more about a person does not always make a person closer to you. I really can't help him on his character, and he took up a lot of my other friend's time. Hope he does get some good advice from my friend.

Saturday is Melinda's party. Not a lot of my batch is there. Well, its pretty much a "experienced" party, so its not the young flashy partying. We played a bit of cards, and well, the night is over. The crew of gaming is pretty exciting but I shouldn't let the fun side of the player shadow the boring side of game writing. It does take a lot of effort, and work, and time. It was fun, except that I found out that Pistons lost the premium ticket to be the first team to 50 that same night. Drats. Well, I figured out who Pistons should sign at least. Flip probably likes to get him also. KG!

That night was later filled with some complaining and photo taking. Adish needs to send some pictures home so I really gave him a lot of ideas to look real good, well at least in front of his parents. Well, its best to ask a typical "momma's boy" that, so I'm sure things will definitely work

Everton won on Saturday, and somewhat flashy in the way they won it, so its pretty good. The disappointing side is that they got it against one of the worst away teams, Fulham, which to me is a bore. Of course, Pistons made it 50 on the second try, and its against Charlotte, of North Carolina. At least its not against a Raleigh team.