Sunday, January 29, 2006

26th Week 7

Quite a surprise as I moved into the Year of the Dog without knowing it. I think my schedule have been too hectic for me to notice it until last week. I finished my Spring cleaning and got ready for New Year. The down side is that my package of new year goodies haven't reached me yet. I suppose its the Singapore festive season.

Although my frustration build up over the weeks, I'm not going to let it ruin my mood. I definitely felt let down by the circumstance that I'm in, and to add salt to my wound, I feel that my tuition fees are wasted by some other student that does more disturbance to the class than junior school kids. In fact, I'm angry cause I feel that my tuition fees went partly into paying such students. Well, like Dan said, life is unfair. Fortunately, I always believed in karma, meaning, God isn't unfair, so Dan and I shouldn't be waiting long to get our overdue rewards. We are working real hard this semester. He's on the easier schedule but both of us are still on 5 courses.

I went to Frida's New Year's dinner on Saturday with Vani, Kristen and Luciano. Well, for Luciano, I'm sure he felt out of place. Our party is not a Samba type, but I'll try to make up for it next time
if I can. After all, there is only a few topics he know of our culture. Anyway, it was a good outing, which I'm sure he is very satisfied with Chinese cuisine. Too bad Dan can't join us. He missed out on some quality food. Vani spoke a lot of Bahasa. Boy, he must be elated to find khakis!

Added to the weekend is an Everton win over Arsenal, which is another North London club and Pistons making it 11-0. I don't need a 70 game run as long as they steamroll over all their opponents like that against Spurs, I'm more than happy.