Sunday, January 08, 2006

26th Week 4

One week before school starts. Another week of boredom and disappointment. I did do something eventful, and that's spring cleaning my room.

This week's gloom was lifted slightly when I started to go back to school to make some preparations and also, to find work.

Well, work wise, no luck still. I'm getting tired. I'm wondering about the cafe job ShuMing suggested. I was thinking the commitment might clash with my studies, and of course, I've been almost anything but a waiter. Good luck to me.

The other thing in school...the preparations. Things went ok, but I received one unexpected gift, and a big one. I would like to thank the person(s) who gave me the Christmas gift, and although you definitely want to remain anonymous by not letting me know who you are, I hope I can return the favor. I think I can never know who sent the gift, so even if someone comes up to me acknowledging the gift now, I won't be sure if its really the sender. I can only try to help everyone I can, which I'm happy to.

A few days after, the gloom set in again. No funding, as expected. Not surprising actually, as I can't prove myself enough yet with only one semester. Frankly, I don't know if I want to think further than this semester. It seems that most things are not going my way.

But at least I furnished my room rather properly. I'm probably left with only chairs. I'm currently using my apartment mate's chairs, which he has tons of. He holds party sometimes, so I probably need to make a pact with him for this semester. I cleaned up the place in time for school. I do hope I don't have to move my things around again.

And finally, reviewing what I just wrote, I think my head is still heavily clouded. I think I need to rest a bit more.