Sunday, December 25, 2005

26th Week 2

This week is a week of rather mixed ventures. I bought quite a lot of things and have quite a lot of stuff done, but in the end. I was only achieving things that add only to my short term future. I bought a textbook, cellphone, camera and rechargeable batteries, walked round Lake Johnson and ended up counting how much I spent! I was further saddened that I was not eligible for the scholarship I so eagerly prepared to apply for. I had hoped not to spend so much before I secure funds, but I simply can't get certain things done. I was lucky to be helped by so many people and that really made me more determined to secure funding as quickly as possible. I really want to thank these people, firstly by making sure I can survive here.

Anyway, things gone well on my personal side, restricted to my room. Other than the stuff I bought, I'll be expecting a desk soon, thanks to the recommendation of ShuMing. We met a few times and I'm surprised that she still remembered me. To be frank, I met too many people without knowing their names so it might sound awkward, but I'm very grateful.

I spent most of the week running around with Luciano, who took time to fetch me around to see places. I can't imagine how much dust I'll collect without his company to do some Christmas shopping. Phew, and I spent more than I wanted. Luciano is right, don't loiter in malls, you spend unnecessarily. Anyway, I seldom spend, so time to zip up my wallet again.

I ended the week at Dan's place. Traditional Christmas Dinner. I was invited so that Christmas will not be lonely, and the best part, its a very sumptous meal! I had lots of ham, which I like
most of meats. Watched lots of football and basketball, and was very happy Miami and Detroit won. Too bad I can't add on to the good things with a "projected" scholarship application. Anyway, I never had been close to a scholarship before, so any money is better than none.