Sunday, November 27, 2005

25th Week 50

Approaching another cornerstone of my life. My 26th birthday and my first outside my home country. Well, I should consider it a good thing considering that I always wanted to come here to study. Mistakes here and there makes things very different from my perceived entrance to NCSU. However, like my parents tell me, if I give up, then all my efforts have gone to waste.

Anyway, this week should be a happy week. Here are my events!

Monday and Tuesday : Boring homework! I hate homework when they are squeezed! The event of these two days is I spent 4 hours chatting about education systems with a classmate for his research and had to walk home from FoodLion. My leg nearly froze with spasm, or so I think.

Wednesday : Lunar birthday celebration. With a cheese cake I bought from FoodLion, a candle, a lighter and what else, a webcam! The drawback is I actually overslept so I did everything in a rush and had no time to take good pictures!

Thursday : ThanksGiving at Vani's place. I took Weldon's camera there, but I didn't take any photos. Talk about camera shy! The dinner is great and I stayed there till midnight!

Friday : Went shopping with Albert. I had wanted to buy a digital camera, but ended up buying nothing! Window shopped a lot. I was too wishy washy over the models I'm after and decided to give it a miss altogether. On the other hand, Albert made a killing of his wallet. Poor wallet! Oh, met a American who tried to speak Mandarin to me. His Mandarin is not that fantastic but I must say its good for one who learnt it in two years. I probably would fare worse in a new language.

Saturday : Farmer's market...Sam's Club...sleep...thats my Saturday.

Sunday : House cleaning...Homework...and more homework!

This wouldn't be my favourite weekly routine but if I must say I really made it good with no budget, thanks to Vani! Sad that I didn't land that camera. I would try to buy it if I had the money, which probably won't happen for the next few months!

One other thing to note for this fact two.

First is my friend's new blog...I actually saw a comment that infuriates me. One sentence. The ones who moved on won't mention a thing after they have done so, and crying about what happened after the incident is not the right way to do things. So, with that in mind, no matter who is in the wrong, no one should not be hung up to dry after the incident. My friend may be moaning a bit, but heck, who doesn't? Let off some steam by ranting a bit and move on!

Two...Everton won against Newcastle! I am pleasantly surprised. Although I know its possible, I'm not really that hopeful due to hindsight. A good run should see us in midtable. Come to think of it, Sir Bobby Robson has such a trend at Newcastle too, and he still managed to get Newcastle into Europe! Now, nothing is impossible...