Sunday, November 13, 2005

25th Week 48

Another week week closer to exams...

Anyway, just when I thought there will be less homework, Dr Jason strikes again. I was left wondering if I would survive my 2nd skirmish with Regression. Wait, it should be my 3rd. I'm taking 2 Regression courses this semester. And, both are making a last sprint of homeworks.

I got back my test paper and well, I'm disappointed. My regression of improvement over time is 1 mark per test, and that is very little improvement! I need at least a 10 point improvement for me to feel something! I didn't get back my other test though. I'm really eager to see the result of my 19 minute flirt with my Statistical Theory quiz. Incidentally, I'm the fastest to finish. 2 questions only so I guess I should feel that its quite a normal time including double checks and triple checks. I felt good about the test, but it doesn't correlate to reality. Oh no! I'm using "correlate"!

Ok, back to reality. I think I'm feeling weak. My feet is getting wobbly whenever I think about finding funding. I just can't seem to get it to work. I felt so sad. Still, I'm refusing to point my finger at others. I have to get this to work. (Sweat)

Oh soccer! So boring...

Despite the obvious boredom, I found great pleasure to see that Detroit Pistons are on a romp...and even better, their last best streak was the time that I started watching NBA. Go go go Pistons...Go for 20 in a row! Beat Arsenal's record of unbeaten season! (Now, I'm flirting between the sport of soccer or basketball)

Wait...the record is season unbeaten in basketball...unthinkable...