Sunday, October 23, 2005

25th Week 45

After another frantic week of homework, I finally get to rest a bit over the weekend. This week is filled with ups and downs, but its from down to up right from Monday.

I have to make a decision from my multi wishy-washy planning as to what courses to keep. I guess if I have to keep to my original target of only having best results, I could opt between one of my two electives. Ironically, I dropped a course which I'm rather confident of scoring for another elective. Well, one may say wrong choice but there's no garantee, especially when I have to commit 10 hours of homework time at least due to the theoretical difficulty. Well, good or bad, there's only two options now. Dig in or drop. Well, one of my senior friends is right, the time of having the luxury of sleeping through lecture and pass easily is non-existent in graduate studies.

Well, I'm still not in dire straits yet. Its only two courses that is not up to my expectations. I probably gathered enough courage from the advice of all my lecturers and made a few key decisions. My strategy will not work if I go around telling everyone, but well, I decided to dig in and grind out the results the hardest and most boring way. I do have to keep a sane mind though. At least one of my professors said that science is nothing without reality. How true. Although I won't say much but I have a few perfect examples in my school to prove that studying too much will fry the brain. Well, I doubt I even heated mine up that much. Still, I should work much harder than I am now. I had a good sleep over the weekend but I suppose I would have more if not for cartoons.

Speaking of cartoons, I finally noticed the part where my favourite Gundam pilot died. Its so short (at the ending part) that I thought its just another of the author's fancy artwork. Well, I'm quite sad about that, cause I thought the author had wanted to create a legend within the story. Guess so much for a living legend within the story. Anyway, expect nothing less from an author who I found out to have a nickname of "kill them all". First I heard of that sort of nickname is from Last Exile. Hm, seems like that attitude is pretty in at that time for animes. I think I'm having too much of cartoons for now. I guess I should start working hard and watch less cartoons. I'll try...

Well, since my week ended with a relative up as compared to my other weeks, Everton picked some goodies as well. One point from Chelsea! Well, its not that bad considering we are bottom. Still, like me, they have lots of work to do...and like me, they need to do it fast to avoid the "Curse of the Christmas Season". Only WBA survived from it so far, and I rather Everton not get embroiled in it that perform another great escape.