Sunday, October 09, 2005

25th Week 43

Finally its Fall Break. A bit tired by the time I reached it. Not that I'm not enjoying it, I don't have time to. Too many homework and tests. I guess I took too much course like my graduate director said. Still, I'm not giving any up. I guess I need to buck up a bit. I have a bit of luck on my side so I will be looking out on what happens to the test I took just before Fall Break. All or nothing, sounds typical.

Anyway, I have been rather slack though, though I did have some sort of break. I have one test delayed and one homework "delayed" due to a hyper reactive memory to work. I actually thought I have three homework to hand in! Now I have two tests and two homework. The week after next will see me prepare for one homework and one test. A bit relaxed after this week. The worst part is my mind shifting to a low gear over the weekend. Now I need to write three "help sheets". I almost finished one and need to write another by Tuesday night. Hm...(zzzzzzzzz)

Well, I guess I could take a light heart over it. Its not that bad if I could maneuver all my stuff tomorrow, it will all go well. Tomorrow...I think I need to work harder...

Talking about working hard, I worked so hard on my miscellaneous stuff that I forgot lots of things. I actually forgot to wash 2 of my clothes! Well, I did wash everything else so that doesn't mean I have to stay awake in the middle of the night to make sure I have clothes to wear to school. Well, time to dig under my blanket for the huge amount of work I have tomorrow!