Sunday, October 02, 2005

25th Week 42

One week before the term break, what they call the Fall break, which is similar to the recess week we have in Singapore. Wait, no, its not a week, its only two days! Anyway, I'm not excited, cause my homework is stacking up like dust! 2 homework due on the day before the break, and 3 due within 3 days after the break. Not to mention, I have by then as well!

Sigh, I wish I could slow down the clock in school. Fall is comng and winter is within months. Yet, I'm feeling the shivers now. The weather is startng to get cold. Well, although I hope it will snow this year but I doubt it will be the case. Tough luck! Cold weather and no snow. Disappointing winter. Anyway, that is a few months from now. Now, I have lots of work to worry about.

Life seems so complex when you started thinking of it, and so are the questions of my school. At this point, I'm only one question short of all that I need to do for next week, and I need to focus the rest of my time on my revision. Sigh. I think I will be having lots of work again.

Oh, I haven't really been able to focus much on soccer, so I'm taking a beating on and off the matches. Everton is still bottom! Oh my! I definitely won't join the ranks of people calling for David Moyes' head, but I'm sure worrying for him. Perhaps the one striker is a problem, or is it? I guess thats the trend we had when we struggled against relegation two seasons ago.