Sunday, September 25, 2005

25th Week 41

I did nothing fantastic this week. Zero. Well, I did try to improve my Portuguese. I’m still a long way from my kindergarten certificate in that. I did have some eventful moments though. I was panicky throughout the week and guess what. I reached my first class early half an hour early on a Thursday morning! Well, that doesn't happen much, not to mention, I'm always late to begin with! The next thing I did was holding a one hour office hour with my lecturer! And it is all because I misinterpreted the examples. I'm getting the buggy feeling I'm lagging behind class, and yes, I'm afraid. I guess I need to work harder, contrary to what my parents think. Well, even my friends agree with my parents! Hm, should I relax?

I started to take a neat little bookmark to school. It was from a girl I really liked in Singapore. A farewell gift from her actually. I have no use for it, but still, I'll carry it everywhere I go. She said she bought it for me because of the meaningful phrase on it. What was the phrase? Of course, live life to the fullest! (Although that is already my motto to begin with, but...I'll keep that in mind more)

Weekend is boring. Well, not in USA, but in UK. Everton is BOTTOM! OMG! What happened? And we lost to Wigan! Well, we are not the only club to lose to Wigan but I think the club is doing as badly as myself! Maybe an improvement in my life in USA will "will' Everton forward? (I wish!) Else, I did some small but additive positives to my room. Like putting up my 'feng shui' curtains after Will took me to get it (Thank you so much!), and visiting more grocery alternatives. Well, I did miss the Mules Day, although I can't really afford a 4 hour drive. Have to apologize to Vani for that. Still, I really have to enjoy my weekend alone in my apartment for the first time so far! My apartment mate took off on a trip for 'only heaven knows' number of days without informing me on Thursday. Well, I'll just make do with life alone for a while, not! He’s back on the eve of the new week!