Sunday, September 11, 2005

25th Week 39

One more week. More homework. Less pace on homework. Bad. Well, I did finish my upcoming homework and got to the Carolina Beach for a trip with my department. Not bad, although I was expecting some other fun. Well, its a get together, so I should not be expecting a very youthful event, although I must say it is a good event of goodwill.

One thing we didn't count on is the seas to be made rougher by Ophelia, Hurricane Ophelia. A small one but still, tides are pretty rough. We were at the tip of it so we weren't really getting downpours but the sand was probabably the safest place, erm...No, not even the sand, as the prickly sand slapping out feet is really like multiple ant bites. Anyway, I was not really doing anything much than eating hamburgers and more hamburgers. Thats my two day course over the weekend. Probably should rest a bit more since I have two tests to look out for!

I was able to concentrate on the outing after I sought out the BioInformatics program. Competitive, the only word to describe it. At least I know what I'm facing. Unlike in Singapore, I'm do not have to take tons of cross discipline courses. Now, its just that pesky admission application and the stiffer competition. At least I'm nearer to it than I ever was. I wasn't event a hundred miles near from the Singapore program when I was still in Singapore!

The week ended with "Worst thing of the Week", and definitely worst accident so far. I cut myself while cooking and lost a gallon of blood! Not really a gallon but I was basically dripping all over my apartment and the wound refused to zip up and heal! I guess I need to visit the doctor soon! Thats the most amount of blood I lost since my army days. What a bummer! Thats a sad closing for a rather 'alright' week!