Sunday, July 31, 2005

25th Week 33

Well, my last week at work. In fact, my presence in between my lengthy abscence serve little significance. Well, at least I made short work of my pay matters and even shorter work noticing how glad my two most obvious "very hostile colleagues" are glad I'm leaving. Funny though, and how silly of them. As much as they like to praise their own work, I'm the one covering the work when they scurry for cover from trouble. Well, I'm sure hope those cheap tricks won't last, because there are great personalities working there and I'm not hoping they get into trouble for the mess these two churn out. I was simply elated to be free from the ugly sight of those two, no matter how good they look on the outside. Isolate me like what kids do? I'm just amused at the level of the tricks they are using, and I'm already seeing how some of them backfired at the culprits.

Well, so much for my injuries for "working" with the experts of office politicking. One thing I learn, "never trust the 'no politicking' rule", even if you want nothing of it. I guess people simply like to add a foot or two into gossiping to make themselves look better, at least thats what I gather by listening attentively. Lucky for me, "Silence is Golden". What the veterans say are right, defense is the bare minimum at work. The problem? Some of my friends at work don't usually know what hit them, until the mess is too big. Mervin is right, I can't help everyone, although I will when I'm able to. Its sad that the company is adopting a "do and die" employment approach, and I can't help much with the atmosphere like I had in my previous workplaces. I kind of miss "being pampered" by my colleagues.

Brian's PC solution just seems to get stuck at first gear. Well, I've given his all my advice, and going to leave my phone in Singapore. Good luck if he needs help over the next two weekend, because I won't be free at all. Lots of stuff to do, and very little avenue of help. Glad I did a lot of research before this. Lets just hope things gets going really well. Hm, wonder who shall be my home stay host?

Oh, one more comment. I saw an article by a guy commenting on "Charm of Singapore Men". I think he's partially right, but I must say, I feel that there is always two sides to the coin. If there is very nice ladies, there are always girls that are vastly different from them, and I've seen a mix of both through my usual friendly approach, and to be frank, I'm freaked out by a lot of them. Now, who is scaring who off? But of course, I've a target, and I'm only five years away from courtship. Luckily for me, marriage in my thirties is alright for me, and my current targets are not skewed away from my first dreams.