Monday, August 08, 2011

Weirdest National Day

As of this post, Singapore is already halfway through National Day. It is almost too funny this year compared to previous.

  1. General Election and Post Election Trauma, noted as GE and PET and together as GEPET
    First, they have TPL, which in  my opinion is not a good candidate from one look, but she boarded GCT's gravy train so, what can you do? Vote bad politicians out la!
  2. Presidential Election, which is the current hot topic since it could be another walkover
    Not that I care, its SGD 4M down the drain as he must listen to the Cabinet's advice
    But to have candidate like TKL giving silly quotes to inspire voters really makes my back hurt from falling off the couch laughing
    Oh, and TT's open thumb handshake
  3. As part of the election, my ex classmate decided to rip my kind efforts apart as it "threatens" the political project this classmate embarked on
    How would anyone know what's in someone else's head?
    Oh, because I'm able to commune with God I guess, but God keeps reminding me, live and let live, and don't keep reading people like a book...
    Plus I got sick of reading this person's thoughts after the many contradictory things, such as throwing another person under the bus while pretending to be just and upright...
  4. Everyone's screaming about how PAP is unfair
    Well, we let them grow arrogant, so we should not blame anyone
    If you want to convince someone else, DO THE RIGHT THING
  5. Speaking of doing the right thing, everyone likes to pick on my lack of action as inaction
    So, do you see like the amount of brain activity in my head while giving ideas?
    Oh, right, you were not listening, of course, that's the very reason why things are not going your way because you did not want to listen to the signs people tell you
  6. And since people aren't listening, I'm going to ignore all complaints of DJIA crashing
    Of course it crashed, USA's GDP is not really growing for some time and we told you that when we did QE!
    Oh I forgot, you were not listening because you preferred to listen to Cramer or the Singapore replica in huh?
Anyway, as always, I have no opinion over who should be President. You can be sure of someone's ability and promise but to actually see them is another thing. I believe that putting the right people at the right places is key, which is why my "Lazy Bone Project" is underway. Speaking of which, where did I put that manuscript for the plan overview...

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