Saturday, April 18, 2009

Alpha to Omega 1

I remember the Alpha to Omega that I once heard, the start to the end. I have been wondering for a while whether a truly stable society can exist. What system should it be? What structure will it take up? The fact that humans have lived through so many dark ages probably mean that life in itself is perfect, since the ones that will struggle to live will continue to create opportunities for evolution to continue. Then again, when all the animals and fish die out due to consumption from overpopulation, perhaps humans will then have a survival issue, to which the solution is cannibalism. Not a good train of though there. But anyway, I'm thinking of our worst enemy of this time of the year, bankers.

Based off what I read, though lightly, human societies started from hunter-gathering while some settled onto agriculture. Logically, if humans started from scratch, hunter-gathering plausible, with crops coming in as knowledge of survival improves. Now then, we will start to have villages, towns and cities, but lets not head too fast into the 21st century.

So based on each person's skill, people will need to band together like other mammals do to gather a variety of "nutrients", from construction materials to plain simple food. People will have to trade, bar the ruthless head pounding and rock throwing fights to decide who gets more or less. So they traded, presumably using the science of their time. This science improved over time and now we almost forget the beginning of time where our ancestors are running around bare chested, waving them off as cavemen. Hey, these guys created we guys and gals.

Anyway, back to the building blocks. People settle down, grow crops, create machinery, provided services and started trading, through barter or money as a proxy for value. And since money is needed in substantial amounts to substantiate a frictionless trade, we need someone to do accounting, and hence the banking industry. As population grew, the need to create more money for lubricating trade increases. After all, if we started with ten men and ten dollars, now, what happens if we have a hundred men? And as the facilitator of the accounting of money, banks grow, seemingly more powerful.

Over time, people forget that the real meaning of money is to lubricate the frictional transactions of trade and view them as the source of power, hence making bankers the most powerful people of all, giving them huge says over everything from politics to mere living. Living as in the economy, not just staying alive. I believe that the worst of the recession might be more cruel than any mass murdering that we have seen, since the recession is destroying livelihoods.

Let me use an arbitrary example, totally out of whack on purpose. The recession have brought a rise to pregnancy prevention awareness. I can't remember where I read this, but I know it for a fact, being one of those careful planners myself. Now, I have cruelly decided that I should not bring my baby to Earth (at least not now) because I am not confident he/she will have a good life. Since I'm sure many people made the same decision, that means many lives are "lost". Can I blame the loss of my baby's life (time) on the government? Since I am no political authority, I'm pretty sure my letters goes straight to the politician's shredder anyway.

It's a bit radical, but imagine this...With population growth dwindling, what will the future generation decide on if they think they cannot survive under the current system? Is it that the system is wrong? Did we have the wrong people with the wrong visions that led us down this path? Are we in a vicious cycle that will end humanity? Of course, not in my mind totally, since humans will seek a radical change to find a system that works for them. Haven't our ancestors survived the dark ages?

Well, its a bit of my thoughts, but I feel that given the massive technology advantage that we have over our forefathers, we should use it in important things like food and energy production and conservation. Not through laws, but through government backed research and directions. We don't need the whole world to be filled with solar panels and end up like Spain, nor be restricted like Europe in carbon taxes, but we still need a careful and calculated push into renewable energy.

Most common man do not want to fiddle with politics, but they do not want to go hungry or cold or every other inconvenience brought by the lack of food and energy either. Just like how our cavemen fathers and mothers. They progressed into what we are today driven by the need to survive. With today's crisis at hand, is that drive enough?

Hence, to conclude the essay I wrote. The Economy CREATED the banking system, not the other way round. Banking is NOT the economy. The banks should have failed with mark to market. Not all, but some at least, to create a good political foundation to redefine how they should work, and everyone HAVE VERY RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that that happens.

Also, as a bonus, the government is the same as the banks, a creation of the evolution of man and its economy, NOT the entirety of man itself. If the government are pillaging what's left of the constitution, they should be removed. Every game can be gamed, even politics and the constitution. I may not be smart enough to do it, but no one should be allowed to abuse other human beings, even with the constitution behind them.

By the way, at the time of this post, I read that the government is hiring hackers to solidify their IT defense. Pretty neat if you ask me, but what happens if a corrupt system uses such a powerful tool?

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