Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wave 5 of the Elliot Wave...or my Ranting Wave

Well, that's the one. Or so I heard. The grand finale where the market will crash into oblivion, the world will end and there is nothing Obama can do whether everyone realizes that he is just another human, a politician and grandeur ideas of his (associates) that will do nothing more than run the world into abyss, or not.

Frankly, Obama had been the market's nemesis and it fell whenever he spoke. OK, I don't really care, but his plans doesn't help the current situation. Throwing money at the unemployed doesn't help the economy. In fact, it hurts the economy because the employed, regardless of class, which he wanted to expand, is forced to pay for unemployment benefits. Its a good charity when everyone has a job, but a bad spiral when you don't stop the job hemorrhaging.

I rather they start a meat packing factory right now and help in pushing unemployed out of the system into this low-pay high production work. He can also start compulsory federal education for the poorly meat packers if he wants and they will soon move out of unemployment with the right jobs they want in life.

Well, I'm probably reflecting the sentiment in the market. I have not been lucky recently in the stock market. Long on the short stick, and short on the rally. Huh...Anyway, its kind of funny that even the best, or better than mes, make similar mistakes so I don't feel that bad after all. One thing though, I hold oil and that was my killer, now it subsided so now it is the financials that suck...But really, they are the culprits, weren't they? The problem is trust, and so far, no new trust is generated.

I remember Srinidhi talking among us about the true value of currency, and frankly, there is no value in the paper if there is no trust in it. It is after all a lubricating agent to facilitate trade, and it is at most trustworthy as the distributor, in this case the government. Now, which government looks more likely to force their way out of this problem?

With trillions of debt, what is there for the future to look forward to? More bailout money? Stash gold? If there is war, gold does not feed your stomach. So frankly, there is no way to re-inspire the market of greed other than to re-inspire the fundamentals of that greed. Trust, among leaders, subordinates, common people alike.

As for other ridiculous stuff, AIG needs another bailout. OK, that was expected, but where are the chains and locks? You can't give heroin to a heroin addict and hope he kicks the habit. AIG is a joke and their executives, past and present need to be punished, worse off than Enron's, to provide relief of trust to the world. And in doing so, please claw back some money. My pocket is thin, so I can't give the feds more money to do what they want. And frankly, I don't really want the "marginally" rich people to run away because they have to pay for someone else's mistake.

Truthfully, I hope someone will step in and claw back the multi trillion of dollars spent on bonuses in Wall Street, Detroit and many of these money addicted companies now struggling for cash. Just because the problems did not appear in their rein doesn't mean these CEOs are perfect. I like Cuomo more and more, but then, he's not doing enough. Or maybe he's shorthanded?

During my visit to Singapore, I was educated on this trend of greed that started way back in the 80s. Most of my friends are now real estate agents, bank associates and whatever that gets you the most money out there. But truly, what do they get in life? Satisfaction? I hope so. I'm not immune either. I remember the days in my grad school where I'm forced out of school because I can't finance my studies. What did I choose? Happiness, and I'm glad I did.

It's everywhere in the world but as the forerunner of all, USA, should be the first to punish the bad too. Wouldn't you agree? The idea of retroactive punishment should be instilled so that people look further down the future than they have now. Why should one who worked hard in all the positives be punished by the negatives of others? The honest are always punished and when this oppression reaches the limit, people start using pitchforks rather than pens.

What makes me sick is the cowardice shown by these useless big shots (politicians and other goofs) in admitting their fault and take the quick exit. Unless they want to fix things, I don't see a reason why they should remain, and I'm being nice here. A bailout for politicians?

If you go the full circle of realising it is the bailout of the people who chose the politicians more than the politicians themselves, I think its much better than a bloody civil war, riot or whatever. Besides, its repetitive incompetence that leads to all the bloodshed in history. My only concern is that I don't want to see one in my lifetime.

For me, I just want to retire in my own farm, watch my grandchildren catch crabs by the seaside and enjoy their life. Hopefully their great grandparents are there to play with them too.

By the way, if you want to know about a bridge to nowhere, perhaps you can read this. I'm bored, but that is because my new laptop broke...and I'm wasting too much time fixing it.

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