Saturday, October 04, 2008

The poisoned Apple

I finally got my shares in Apple! And it went down further!

Well, first I got it before the first House vote, then I added more on Friday after the second House vote. I think Apple has great products that will be flashy enough to survive the recession. Well, it is true that people will spend less, but like I said, the ones hit worst by the credit crunch are those who doesn't live within their means. That means the people who continue to buy stuff are the ones who live within their means. In fact, I think Apple will be one of the best of all the companies who will survive the trench. Anyway, just my thoughts, so don't take that as analyst comments. I don't want to associate myself with those self-serving cheats.

Anyway, SEC is trying to punish the rumor monger who lied about Steve Jobs' health. Well, great. As in sarcastic great. Cox has done nothing to oversee the market and now he intervenes on these? A bit too late to save his image, isn't he? First, he stamps out only rumors that drive the market down, and not those that potentially artificially inflate the market. Next, he bans shorts. If he doesn't monitor naked shorting by the big monies and banks, why would we need an SEC chief then? The common people cannot naked short, so what he did in his "inaction" is social segregation in the investing world, only the rich can short, small timers can't. I'm not sure how safe banks are now, but we are all robbed by these people, namely Paulson, Bush, Cox and Bernake.

Anyway, I am going for broke, trying everything and I'm not too hard up about the results, but I do hate losing. Everton better start winning, or else...whatever...They bought Feliani and I would prefer them not to sign young star players anymore. Now, the average age is decent, so what we really need is solid foundation which Moyes has eluded for a few seasons now. Free signings and body counts in the team will probably add some stability. The team have substance, they now need wins, and without a team, we can't win.

Oh, I did a search on my sitemeter, and I saw people reading my post on the ridiculous politicker Nair. Pretty surprised to even get a hit on it. Anyway, I find myself discussing more and more politics since I left college, and I wanted to do Public Policy if I can, part time. I think the societal evolution around the world should leave an impression on how affluence, again in history, has led to negligence that could destroy the societal and financial foundation that our fathers worked their lives to build. Unfortunately, not many people understand still. Or they easily forget.

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