Sunday, August 31, 2008

Disaster Season

While I hope Gustav is not giving the poor people of New Orleans too much trouble, my disastrous streak seemed to be kick started by Gustav. Not in terms of weather, but in terms of everything else. Seems irrelevant, but I always like to build on coincidences, or so some others perceive.

Well, in short, my portfolio of stocks and such are down the drain after hitting a new high. I missed an exit point and my high was never reached again. Not even 75% close. Now, that's the daily news part. The weekly news part came back as a disaster as well. Everton, fourth from bottom, two losses, one to Portsmouth and one to Blackburn. Well, bad starts are common, but both are at home! At least get a draw. That is bad enough for a top four seeking team.

Anyway, the main part of my agony is the portfolio part. Everton can survive without starting well. Oh, and I'm getting a weird irritation in my nose. A scar is not healing so its like me having both a nose bleed and a flu at the same time. Now that the bleeding subsided, the scar remains as a roadblock for my air. Bloody...

Well, one should not wish for too much. The first thing I wanted is the EPL season to start and now, I rather it was delayed. One thing I felt ok about was the Obama speech. He mentioned about "ownership". I guess he hit the nail on the spot. Since I've been here, that had always been the case. I wonder how much that can change though. Tolerance and altruism is not something that can be induced overnight, not to mention so much garbage to dish. Still, I'm not sure if McCain is that similar to Bush, but its always a worse bet than Obama for a change. It might well be that difference in party name.

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