Sunday, June 18, 2006

26th Week 27

It has been a month since I started a bit of the current work I did. I am currently paid through the school for some department related settings. But to imagine that everything will go well due to that, it must be a dream, a really good dream. My first paycheck was messed up. Although my boss apologized to me about the mix-up, but the fact remains, my school did not bother to check if all my documents are in place even when I voluntarily asked to make sure it is. It tells you that the department doesn't honour my hard work, and to make things more unsavoury, I heard of things about my International Student Office that sort of confirms on attitude my university has for foreigners. I have a feeling that my tuition fees and money are the only thing that the administration cares about. Not the quality of my education. The quality is only used as a lip service for most of the scenarios that I've seen. Well, mostly lip service. Some go more than that, some much less. The only thing why such negative sentiments have not subsided is due to the fact that there are more who do less that those who do more or even enough. I know a black sheep can ruin the market, but still, there are white sheeps around.

I've met nice people at the university, but unfortunately, they are not the ones who make the decisions. And the ones that do gives little care to international students in need. I needed a bit of help, but none came from my school. I am not the worst prepared. I have seen and heard of much worse situations that other students have met. To top it up, there is one comment that I would like to make of international students as well. Not all international students are benevolent to others, especially those who need help. I might be a bit harsh, but I am certain that there are people who look at my hard work with scorn, despite being one that are willing to help others. Life is fair and we should be fair to others as much as we can. I received an unsavoury exchange of comments from a classmate, and I expect the classmate to realise the mistake. I'm not expecting an apology, since the culprits never apologizes in this land that I know of so far. I expect improvement in attitude, that is all. No more brainless and unfeeling comments.

This week was made worse when my boss told me that my performance is bad. I expected it. No one is helping me outside of my work other than Luciano. Not school, not my department who, I heard, gets a cut of my pay. Not even my car. I stopped short of telling my boss that all these unhelpful situations hampered my performance. Not that it is a true reason, but let us not forget that I am a foreigner. I need time to adjust. Still, I did not mention that to my boss since I feel that I should buck up in terms of professionalism. I'm considering telling him the truth, since I was told I am not given much work because of the much lower performance. It is so unfair. I can even sense that my colleagues are not very happy about me. I wonder if they harhour the same sentiments as that from my school. I feel that the someone is waiting for my demise. I'm doing everything I can and in the right way, and I don't get "rewarded", not even my pay?

Anyway, World Cup fever reached a "high", and yes, not the usual high. I noticed that there are no upsets until Ghana beat Czech. There are an excessive number of red cards. All the big guns are winning except Czech and France. Of course, I don't get upset because of it, but its a stale World Cup if big guns roll all the way. Imagine this, Brazil as hot favourites, and wins it even if they play badly. Why would I bother to turn on the TV then? I rather watch the Champions League Final ten times than watch a World Cup game. Arsenal played a good game, but got ruined by a piece of bad refereeing. Still, they provided some shock factor. The World Cup? The least that I expect is a good team play. France played Barthez and let in a soft goal.
Raymond Domenech should be responsible for this blunder. Henry is going to be like Schevchenko, a talented player not to reach the heights of the World Cup. Unfortunate, but true. Anyway, Heat for the title. I don't want the team that beat the Pistons to lose to another team!