Sunday, February 03, 2008

Biggest win/loss of the year!

Win/Defeat comes big in 2 ways, the score or the moment. This weekend, it was the moment that mattered. 2 minutes from 19-0, sitting among a group of mean-spirited Patriots haters and three particularly eager Giants fans, Giants made the game I was waiting for, well, in some sense. I also happen to find out that 30 minutes is too much to ask of someone sometimes, too, especially in a cold night.

In a sense, I was disappointed, I wanted the Patriots to lose in a more spectacular fashion, like 36-35 or something like that. Instead, it was a shootout in 4th quarter, which is OK, except the first 3 quarters was bad offensively. Game highlights probably agree with my version of the story, even Ryan, who I'll definitely congratulate for his team's win.

Anyway, I was left to get a lift from another friend after my intended lift refused to head home early so I can have a good night sleep. Just great, huh? Not to mention the unnecessary and unsporting taunts. I sure know that EPL is worried by that type of fans too. Anyway, good win for the Giants. So 2 Manning wins in 2 years, which is great for them.

Things will get interesting from here on. Well, good athletes get on with losses, so we'll see if the Patriots can bounce back. In sports, you win some, you lose some. In some ways, I think there will be some reinforcements coming in for them.

Anyway, this week is particularly bad because of the Everton disallowed goal that set us back by one week. Else, I'll head to get some rest. And finally support a team that has lost and going through a rough patch since I watched them.

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